Fishing Season 2003

Above left: Pictured left to right are our 2003 Derby
Winners on Opening Day 4/26/2003. 1st Place, Mike
Rasmussen (8 lb., 8 oz.), 2nd Place, Jennifer Brady (8 lb.,
6 oz.) and 3rd Place, Darien Hone (8 lb., 4 oz.).
Above right: Sarah & Jessie of Tacoma, WA caught this
25 1/4", 5 1/2 lb rainbow trout on the dock at the Lion's
Den Campground on May 3, 2003.
Below: Butch (left) and Cliff (right) are happy with
these lunkers caught on May 10, 2003.

This nice 26 1/2 inch, 7 pound Rainbow
(pictured above) was caught by Kathy Leitheiser of Tacoma on
May 23, 2003. Check out their website by clicking on
the link beside the photo.
Another nice catch
(below) by Jena Larson. Her Rainbow weighed in at 7 pounds,
9 ounces and measured 29 inches.

Hope to see YOU at the
lake in 2004!