The Results Are In!!
A Great Opening Day
12th Annual American
Legion Derby Winners

If you have any great
fish photos from Mineral Lake,
contact us and we will try to get them posted here.

above (left to right) are Torbin Panton of Sumner with a 6
lb. 9 oz. Rainbow; Gilbert of Covington with a large Rainbow
caught on a blue wing olive fly on a 4 weight fly rod; and
12 year old Aaron of Puyallup with a very nice 5 lb.
(left to right) are Ernie (5/1/2005) with a nice Rainbow 26
1/2 inches long, weighing 7 lb., 6 oz. Butch with a 27
1/2 inch Rainbow weighing in at 7 lb., 6 oz. and Dee with a
beautiful 8 lb., 7 oz. Brown Trout 27 1/2 inches long.
Butch and Dee caught their fish on 5/4/2005.

On May
5, 2005 Donnie (above left) caught his 7 lb., 3 oz., 26 inch
Rainbow on a fly. Butch caught a 28 inch, 7 lb., 8 oz.
Rainbow on power bait.

above fish were caught on Friday May 6th. From left to
right are Lucy of Winlock with a nice Rainbow about 26
inches caught near the boat ramp; Steve of Auburn with a
beautiful 28 inch Rainbow; and Kevin of Buckley with a huge
Rainbow 28 1/2 inches long weighing in at 9 lb., 15 oz.

above left, caught her 27 inch, 7 lb., 7 oz. Rainbow on the
"Fuhrman Fly" on Saturday morning, May 7. The photo in
the center shows Robert and Stephanie with the 27 inch, 7
lb. Rainbow that Robert caught on the morning of May 9th.
Catching the 7-pounder was the perfect end to a week of
fishing on Mineral Lake. He was using a green wooly
bugger. Richard, far right, caught a 28 inch, 7 lb, 8
oz. Rainbow on Sunday, May 15, his first day on the lake
this year!
above (top left), caught his rainbow on May 23rd. The
Standal family of California and their catch of the day on
May 30. Bruce (bottom left) from Vancouver, WA, caught
his 26 inch Rainbow on June 15. Tina, Puyallup, caught
her 23 1/4 inch Rainbow on July 14. On August 16th, 12
year old Gage of South Prairie caught a very nice 26 incher
that weighed in at 6 1/2 pounds!
Stop in at
Market to have your fish photo taken! Thanks to all
and keep the photos (and the fish) coming in!